“Melissa Williams,” Aja Monet reads, “Darnisha Harris.” Her voice is strong; it marches along, but it shakes a little, although not from nerves. She’s performing a poem that includes the forgotten names of girls and women who’ve been injured or killed by the police. She finishes forcefully, then pauses, exhales. “Can I do that again?” she asks. “It’s my first time reading it out loud,…
I am honored to share “NoMaDs” with you all. Here is a song & poem I recorded while living in Paris with music by Buddy Sativa & Nicky Lars. I am so grateful to have collaborated with my good friend Ben Connors to illustrate visuals for this piece and to have worked with Piers Dennis on filming the whole process. I have so many dreams…
brown sugar soul Written by Aja Monet Vocals by Aja Monet Production by Nicky Lars and Buddy Sativa https://soundcloud.com/nickylars https://soundcloud.com/buddy-sativa
Aja Monet, youngest poet to win the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe Grandslam Championship and the last woman to win it since, returns to her hometown after two years living in Europe for her first solo show in New York City. In “Querida Revolución Soy Tu Nieta “ she explores her discoveries from her recent trip to her grandmother’s homeland of Cuba where she is united with…
HeLa Cell Soul. Written by Aja Monet Vocals by Aja Monet Production by NIcky Lars & Buddy Sativa https://soundcloud.com/nickylars https://soundcloud.com/buddy-sativa Recorded in Paris, France