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By April 13, 2011May 4th, 2014Blog



(A)Gain by ∂eƒ Sound ( RC) from The upcoming “Anything:The.Idea.Machine.” album.


Opening verse:

I think I found her

or she’s finding me?

or isn’t that what you always think?

the girl of my dreams but i dont ever sleep

Love aint a trick so why they say fall 4 me?

if love is right and like is wrong

then i wonder will she even like this song

all spring sprung she’s my Cree Summers

I cant spell the spell she’s got me under

her laugh is like an overture

i wonder if she’s open 2

over think over kill 

till we get over us

underdose on under love

the love below under us

I wonder what makes us trust 



Closing Verse:

Why’s the best part of meeting you, 

meeting you?

seeing you

first time reading

interested in each of you

actually its some of you

till I meet one of you

that one that makes me feel like I can only be one with you

so here comes the usual

you meet the one

share some fun

the feeling aint mutual

so into them

feeling like you losing you

then she gets with a newer dude

who’s just a diet you

except he’s a hugger douche

now he going through her phone even peeping all the typo’s

talking on egg shells walking on tightrope

Hitchclocking her time and you looking like a physco

surprised on how they life goes

living in a cycle……
