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By April 24, 2012May 4th, 2014Blog

“What I’ve Learned” a poem by me in collaboration with @camovement. Here’s a video recording of a piece I wrote in grad school for a random assignment my professor and advisor, Michael Meyers, gave to me. He told me to spend an  hour writing the first things that come to my mind about what I know and that gradually we could work on editing it. Unfortunately, I never edited it. I shared it one random night at a performance I had at Hofstra University in 2010, after I ran out of poems to read and found this piece folded in between my journal. I shared the poem and the audience seemed to appreciate the wandering of it… 

Cam Be and I linked in NYC this past February and while there, we shot this video in the attic of the legendary Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe in the Lower East side. I love this space for so many reasons and it was pretty amazing rummaging through all the artifacts we found. Feel free to share this if you feel moved to…

here’s to a ton of spilling flaws….


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