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By January 30, 2011May 4th, 2014Blog

Watch Saul Williams’ “Explain My Heart”  Music Video!!

When visiting Saul in Paris my last trip, he showed me this video and while sitting in during several other occasions where he enthusiastically shared this with others I observed a particular type of excitement for this project that is soon to be released in the spring of 2011. Its actually created so much momentum. I honestly can not wait for people to hear this new album. The lyrics, production, artwork…its all amazing! Watching a bit of his journey as a poet, musician, father, and friend has truly encouraged,inspired, and motivated my own journey. Please support quality art-making and share this. Saul has grown so very much and theres some very valuable things to be learned from the heart he shares and expresses with the world. I admire his courage and that he is never afraid to be vulnerable, exposed, in love, and dare i say—flyyyy.
