“It Could Be You” by SunSay Ladies & Gentlemen, if only I could really convey all the excitement I have for Sunsay’s english album! I had the honor of witnessing and participating in it being made in a beautiful castle set in France. I am so amazed by this incredible voice box and all of the beautiful people surrounding him. Please please watch this and…
David Banner speaks on Trayvon Martin! (yes, yes, yes, and yes!) The past few weeks have revealed a lot about the contemporary American spectacle, the power of immediate sensationalism, and the misplaced energy involving Trayvon Martin. I have been sharing in conversation with expats here in Paris on their interpretation of all that has been taking place in recent media attention and what distance provides…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxmtUFrji48 just because…Janet Jackson (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
Angela Davis: “Dreaming in French” “Davis is by far the most fluent and most vital of the three. Just watch her speaking French. She had a point to make which had nothing to do with making herself seem smart or cool or beautiful or elegant or the greatest speaker of French, even. And yet Davis is all of these things. The intensity of her desire to understand,…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwC0KUNZ43E “why dont you relocate your soul” @immortaltech (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
“and if it is true that your invention reveals you…” – james baldwin via rac (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
While living in Paris, I had the opportunity to meet a beautiful and intelligent woman, Daphne Kolader. Over wine and through tears, we shared our stories of magical struggles and over comings, we laughed fiercely at our awesomeness. And she showed me the makings of a great and touching film about her sister, Ida Kolader. When watching this short film, it almost immediately triggered memories….
“it’s in the writing of a poem that you find out what you’re not saying.” -Adrienne Rich (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
My story with Yesha is truly a miraculous story. She is a profound part of my personal journey in recent years and what inspires me to write to this day is the unconditional support she’s given. The audacity Yesha has had to share her story with me and allow me the gift of collaborating. She sent me a link to this and I didn;t know…