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By March 27, 2012May 4th, 2014Blog

My story with Yesha is truly a miraculous story. She is a profound part of my personal journey in recent years and what inspires me to write to this day is the unconditional support she’s given. The audacity Yesha has had to share her story with me and allow me the gift of collaborating. She sent me a link to this and I didn;t know whether to share it or to archive it as an heirloom I someday hope to show my grandchildren about the magic of touching a life, motivating a person to see greatness in themselves—in spite and because of. Thank you, Yesha. What a gift to be given….




i hate seeing/hearing myself on video and i never record my work..but i wrote this poem (like five times) for someone who I really admire and i told her i’d record myself doing this…so…yeah…voila..