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By March 27, 2012May 4th, 2014Blog


portrait of poet Aja Monet Bacquie in New York City by Jonathan Weiskopf.

I was lucky enough to meet up with Aja while she was in town at the end of February to make pictures for my forthcoming book entitled “For Some Time Now: Performance Poets of New York City.”   The book features portraits that Ive made of more than 120 members of the NYC slam and spoken word community and a collection of 18 gorgeous new written works commissioned, compiled, and edited by Jeanann Verlee.

The book and photographs from the series will be available on Sunday, April 22, 2012 at the legendary Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York City, where there will be a huge celebration, a poetry reading by some of the finest poets in New York City, and live jazz all afternoon. I hope you’ll join us.  If you cant make it, but would like to order a book or an exhibition print, please email me at