“Serve this Royalty” by Cody Chestnutt #truth (Source: ”Rolling in the Deep” (Jamie xx Shuffle) by Adele my song right now. (Source:
Check out this interview of the beautiful Les Nubians. What amazing spirits… shout out to John Banzaii (Source: Even the Rain (2010) (Source: Everyone needs to watch “Earthlings” at some point in their lives, preferably before its too late to make a difference. Now, I’m not one for preaching much about what others should or shouldn’t eat. I have my fair share of unhealthy vices when it comes to what I put in my body but Nelson and I have taken on a vow of vegetarianism with…
“The Wilhelm Scream” by James Blake Swoonin’ —He makes me want to write somethin’ beautiful & majestic. It’s MUSE-ic. enjoy. (Source:
Please watch & share “Pact With the Sun” by Joya Mooi Shout out to the Ports for directing and producing this video! They are doing incredible things in the face of the music video world and I cant wait to work with them sometime in the near future. #mylosangelesfamily Holly Port has taken photos for me before and is just complete genius with the eye….